Sunday, April 1, 2007

Baseball will save your soul (or, My Desperate Plea for a Fan)

April 1, 2007 - Sunday

OK that is most likely untrue, however, the regular season is starting tomorrow and I am FREAKING out! I can't tell you how excited I am already. And, if you know me at all, you probably already knew that.

Anyway, my partner-in-crime, my fellow Twins fan, who also happens to be my sister, is moving away this summer. This begs the question: Who will accompany me to the three dozen or so games I go to this year? I can only talk my hubby into going to so many (and my Twins boyfriend, Lew Ford, will only be out for 6 weeks).

So, if you like baseball, and can tolerate me, please step up! Even if you like another team, I can deal with that (unless it's the Yankees and you're not from the Bronx).

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