Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Music and seasons

February 28, 2007 - Wednesday

Yeah, maybe when I write that I can't help but think of Vivaldi's Four Seasons, but I am a super-dork!

I am polling--please comment if you have any thoughts on this!

Are there any bands or types of music that you associate with a certain season or weather? It doesn't even have to make sense or have an explanation. I just want to know about it and feel like I am not alone in these thoughts.

Here are a few of mine:
Led Zepplin=Autumn (not fall, Autumn: weird I know)
Mazzy Star=rain (that calming, sleep-through-your-alarm kind of rain)

Any thoughts? Or any other weird associations?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Frank Caliendo is way too funny!

February 18, 2007 - Sunday

Dave and I went to see Frank Caliendo last night. We had a blast and I am not kidding, we didn't stop laughing the entire time.

Comedy is such an underrated form of entertainment. I would suggest it any day. Laughing and being silly makes every day so much more enjoyable. Some days can be difficult--we all can get down. (Especially if you live in Minnesota and don't see the sun for months and the idea of global warming doesn't seem all that bad.) Laughter truly is the best medicine. I think I will go buy his CD!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Nerding out...

February 5, 2007 - Monday

I don't know if this will come as much of a surprise to everyone who knows me, but I have realized I am a serious nerd.

This came to me as I was sitting with my friends while we were waiting for a play to start. The play was a combination of Hamlet with Star Wars characters. I don't need to tell you how dorky that is on *so* many different levels.

I walked up to my friends who were chatting about NPR and I said, "I was just listening to NPR!" Ooh...cringe. Not only am I a nerd but I'm a "liberal."

(Oh and by the way, I have NPR on podcast subscription and I am listening to it right now.)