Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Do you like good things?

May 30, 2007 - Wednesday

I do. Some of my favorites that have no real relevance are medium rare steak, red wine, triples (as in baseball), (snail) mail, dancing, a bed that's made, manual transmissions, people with dogs, lists, and a clean refrigerator.

What about you?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Yay for the Twins!

May 19, 2007 - Saturday

I love our boys...they rock. And they beat the Brewers! Sweetness. Now we will see how Scott Baker does. I hear some crazy rumor that he has figure out how to pitch. We will see.

P.S. Why aren't we signing Torri? The man is soooooooooo good. (And so pretty. But really, who do I think isn't pretty that wears a baseball uniform and plays for the Twins?)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Day two of being unplugged

May 17, 2007 - Thursday

So today I just put my phone on silence all. I won't hear it while I am working, but I will be able to see missed calls and such. If I had caller ID on a land line I would be able to see who called. Do you like how I justify my behaviour? Spoken like a true addict.

At least I'm trying. What if I tried to truly be unplugged? No email, no Internet, nothing! I would probably get a lot more done. Ha! Like I could do that...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day one of being unplugged

May 16, 2007 - Wednesday

I shut off my phone at 8am yesterday morning. I came to realize that maybe I should just shut it off while I am at work and leave it at home whenever I go anywhere. For a week. It seemed more realistic, especially since no one knows my work number. My family had to call Dave to get in touch with me. So, day one and day two are going OK, although I had to revise my plan.

I felt a little weird when I shut off my phone. Really not as freaked out as I thought I was going to be. Here is when I freaked out: when I turned on my phone and had 3 messages. For some reason that really made me anxious. Maybe the whole idea of actually having people waiting on me...huh. It's a thought.

Also, I read an article in the paper about how more and more people are shifting to cell phones and not having a land line.

Monday, May 14, 2007

It's an intervention!

May 14, 2007 - Monday

Seriously now. You know what you've been doing. Interrupting meals with family, creating rifts with friends, distracting you at work. It is time to face the hard facts--you are addicted to your cell phone. Denial is the first step toward acceptance. Let's work together.

While I was lamenting about how time is a non-renewable resource, I couldn't help but notice that our cell phones are permanently glued to us. We can't even go to sleep without knowing where they are (shouldn't that be our children?).

On the flip side, we are frustrated when we can't reach a person or if someone doesn't call us back immediately. We are becoming more impatient.

My challenge for myself is to spend one day without my cell phone. I am going to shut it off. And not turn it back on until the following day. We shall see how it turns out. So, if you intend to call me on Tuesday, May 15, I will not be answering!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Time: a non-renewable resource

May 9, 2007 - Wednesday

When I was in college and working two or three jobs, I could understand that I didn't have any free time. That's fine. It was a sacrifice, and I was willing to make it. Hell, I was happy to do it!

What I want to understand is why, when I have only one full-time job, do I suddenly have so much to do and no time to do it in? Is it kind of like when a person gets a raise and they immediately figure out a way to increase what they spend? I think it may be in the same vein.

Now I must look over my life and decide what is really important and what is frivolous. I want to work on our home--that is important. (Sidenote: the carpet and paint is done in the bedroom. Sweet!) I like working at the restaurant, and the money I make lets me work on the house. So what is sucking away all my time? Taking on too many things at once? That might be it. At work I only tackle two or three things a day. That way it gets done. Hmm...might be a good way to go about my to-do list.

Any other ideas about getting more time out of your time? (Short of consuming far too much Red Bull and not sleeping!)