Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fifth grade made me a feminist

March 29, 2008 - Saturday

I was listening to Dazed and Confused by Led Zepplin on the way downtown today when the line The soul of woman was created below made me think twice. Now I have always kinda liked this lyric because, quite frankly, it makes us ladies sound pretty bad ass. But today it struck me that maybe it wasn’t quite as cool as I thought.

I consider myself a feminist, and while I might sleep through certain parts of my life, once my passion gets fired up it’s hard to calm it down. (Sort of an "If your’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention" kinda thing.) So I’m walking down the block thinking of the story of Pandora’s box and Eve in the garden of Eden and I’m getting righteously pissed off! The feeling is familiar and almost comfortable. The first time I heard the myth of Pandora I was 11 -- I freaked out at my fifth grade teacher for reading us such a sexist story!

Women have made great strides in the last century to be sure, but there is a fundamental view that hasn’t changed. My friend says it’s because the world tends to see things in black-or-white, yes-or-no terms. The madonna or the whore. The great double-standard. How can this be changed? Can it be? I know I fall into the trap as often as the next person and I’m supposed to believe in equal treatment for both sexes.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I resent Facebook’s remarks, or Can you believe I haven’t blogged about baseball?

March 28, 2008 - Friday

I know that changing anything on Facebook or MySpace means that everyone knows about it. Isn’t that the point of being involved in online social networking? Obviously it gets a little tough explaining a large change in your life to everyone you know, so I actually appreciate these little features. Britni has changed her song…again. Ben posted more photos of himself tempting death while in the miserable cold.

What I want to know is: Why is Facebook putting a little broken heart next to my "Becca has changed her status to single." Now I don’t want to get into whether or not I’m broken-hearted. That’s certainly a silly discussion. The last thing I really want to see from a website is a comment on my life. Can’t it just be objective?

I guess I will have to take it a little less seriously, because life is really too short to let something like that affect you. And plus, baseball starts in March this year!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My favorite holiday has always been Easter

March 23, 2008 - Sunday

I volunteered to serve homeless people and displaced families Easter dinner today. I got goosebumps a million times.
Little kids with Easter baskets, decorating eggs, pics with the Easter Bunny (I’m still somewhat scared of him/it). Heaping plates of food. Thank yous over and over. People coming together on their holiday to give someone else a better holiday. Wow I could get used to this. I think an addiction is festering.
I have been cultivating this optimistic attitude for awhile now. I used to be a professional pessimist--I could find the bad part of anything, even a Twins game! Sick I know. Waking up is a miracle. Clean water kicks ass. I love my kitchen. I have 600 square feet of space for myself and my cat. I could read for years with all the books I own. Plants love to grow for me. Trees accept my hugs with grace. (As if it is possible for a tree to do anything without grace!
In seeking a goal that I want to work toward everyday but can never actually achieve, I think I may have gotten closer to finding it today with the Easter Miracle. And that makes for a damn good day.