Sunday, March 23, 2008

My favorite holiday has always been Easter

March 23, 2008 - Sunday

I volunteered to serve homeless people and displaced families Easter dinner today. I got goosebumps a million times.
Little kids with Easter baskets, decorating eggs, pics with the Easter Bunny (I’m still somewhat scared of him/it). Heaping plates of food. Thank yous over and over. People coming together on their holiday to give someone else a better holiday. Wow I could get used to this. I think an addiction is festering.
I have been cultivating this optimistic attitude for awhile now. I used to be a professional pessimist--I could find the bad part of anything, even a Twins game! Sick I know. Waking up is a miracle. Clean water kicks ass. I love my kitchen. I have 600 square feet of space for myself and my cat. I could read for years with all the books I own. Plants love to grow for me. Trees accept my hugs with grace. (As if it is possible for a tree to do anything without grace!
In seeking a goal that I want to work toward everyday but can never actually achieve, I think I may have gotten closer to finding it today with the Easter Miracle. And that makes for a damn good day.

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