Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why can't we be friends? or An ode to the Yankees

April 10, 2007 - Tuesday

Why do I love to hate the Yankees? Is it the gross amounts of money they spend for players who don't need anymore money to begin with? It could have something to do with the fact that they tend to win more championships than most other teams. Or just the pompous attitudes the players seem to have (but isn't that the case with many players from other teams and sports? Maybe it's the concentration of them in all in one dugout: 100% Ego).

There is something so opposite about the Twins from the Yankees. The Twins have one of the smallest payrolls in baseball. And they play the game like it's a game. It is a game! (Sometimes it seems to me that Yankees players act like what they're doing will save the world. If everyone was like me, maybe it would, but tragically, they're not.)

Another thing I don't quite understand is (and this could be the dreaded MN nice thing) why do NY fans boo their own players? I mean, really?!? I guess they must be impatient and unhappy with their bazillion dollar payroll and mediocre performance (?). Just venturing a guess. And why are there people from across the country who have never even visited New York, let alone lived there, who think it is OK to love this team? No! Stick with your home team I say. (But, I guess if someone from Fla. wanted to love the Twins, who am I to say no?)

Anyhow, after all that ranting, I must say that most Yankees fans are a joy to sit next to and make a baseball game a lot of fun. (Except those who forget to shower.) And with that...let's go Twinkies! Let's take the series...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

3-0...159 to go!!!!!!!!

April 5, 2007 - Thursday

Well, being it is an off-day for my beloved Twinkies, I figure I should officially announce that this was the BEST opening series *ever.*

Maybe it was because we swept the Orioles. Or because it was at the Dome and I love Dome dogs. Rondell White's delicious defense wasn't half-bad either. Home runs on back-to-back pitches is nothing to snear at. But mostly because baseball is back! And the Twins are having as much fun (if not more) playing the game as I am watching it and reading about it in the sports section or on bat-girl.com.

I realize that I am going to have to pace myself if I want to keep up this level of enthusiasm. However, for the first time in three years, I am not going to school and I can watch baseball without guilt...almost every single game. Sweet!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Baseball will save your soul (or, My Desperate Plea for a Fan)

April 1, 2007 - Sunday

OK that is most likely untrue, however, the regular season is starting tomorrow and I am FREAKING out! I can't tell you how excited I am already. And, if you know me at all, you probably already knew that.

Anyway, my partner-in-crime, my fellow Twins fan, who also happens to be my sister, is moving away this summer. This begs the question: Who will accompany me to the three dozen or so games I go to this year? I can only talk my hubby into going to so many (and my Twins boyfriend, Lew Ford, will only be out for 6 weeks).

So, if you like baseball, and can tolerate me, please step up! Even if you like another team, I can deal with that (unless it's the Yankees and you're not from the Bronx).

Do you know what most women's New Years resolutions were?

Seriously: Not to lose weight or buy fewer expensive and complete unnecessary shoes...nope the number one New Year's resolution made by most women is to stop gossiping. *Gasp!*

I know none of my friends gossip (ha!) but it sure can get out of hand easily. Let's all try and go a day without saying anything behind someone's back. It's easier than you think; just don't talk!