Thursday, August 30, 2007

Why September Rules!

August 30, 2007 - Thursday

Current mood: optimistic

OK, so I may not be a big fan of August ending, what with shorter days and that impending 6-month doom that is winter looming in front of us, but there are a few things that totally psych me up about September:

Fall--trees, 80 degree days and 50 degree nights, bonfires, mmm.
Football--fantasy drafts, shit talking, and excuse to drink beer at least 3 days a week, the Monday night football song, I could go on.
School starts--I don't know why I still care after graduating a few years back, but new classes, teachers, so exciting!
One more month until October--the single greatest month of baseball ever. I can't wait. I don't care if my team is in it (that's a lie, we all know it) but damn if that isn't some of the finest TV ever. And a great excuse to drink beer at least 4 nights a week!

Any other celebrations of September??

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My end of summer treat...

August 28, 2007 - Tuesday

Current mood: aggravated

So what could be a better way to end the summer than to get sick as hell? Yeah, that's what I thought too. I don't even know where to begin. Who gets sick in the summer? As if the eight months of sitting inside during the winter isn't bad enough.

Here's hoping it goes away by the weekend!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


August 26, 2007 - Sunday

So I am watching Oh Brother Where Art Thou and I love it so much! How clever is it that it's based on the Odyssey? The Cohen brothers are brilliant! Which of their movies is my favorite?

Hard to say, but I think Fargo is up there.

Monday, August 13, 2007

How do you have a party without electricity?

August 13, 2007 - Monday

Just ask me! I must say that after stressing all day Saturday, there is nothing much some beer can't cure! And some friends. Dave and I finally had our housewarming party after the giant storm took out our power all day and some of the next day.

Grill=All food source
Coolers from friends=fridge

And so it went...until 6am. What fun!