Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tomorrow is the Solstice! For a girl who grew up in the north country, this is something I looked forward to every year. And for an optimist, there are few better holidays.

Tomorrow marks the day with the least amount of light for the year. It's a tough time for many people. Going through day after day of waking up in darkness and leaving work in darkness is draining on even the toughest of psyches. I'm pretty sure that's why we have all of these holidays grouped around this time--to make it easier to handle. Whether that's the case is still up for debate.

While some might question the logic of celebrating the day with the shortest amount of light, it makes perfect sense to me. It can only get better. It can only be more light. Soon we'll rise with the sun again (a much more natural way to wake up) and play outside until we're thoroughly worn out.

It kind of reminds me of the ten of swords in the tarot. You can't get any more dead. The worst is over. You can't go anywhere but up. And while this may seem fatalistic to some, to me it's one of the best places to start. Because things just keep getting better.


Unknown said...

I love every bit of this entry. Thanks for sharing. I couldn't explain how I feel better myself!

Ms. Becca said...

Awww thank you! That means so much to me!

Welsh Tramp said...

One of my favorite days of the year, got so many good memories of the Winter Solstice, lovely entry

Ms. Becca said...

Yay! Thanks :)

Iva Messy said...

Winter Solstice! ;) YAY!