Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lunch stimulates my brain--internally and otherwise

Here are some things I learned today:

  • Radishes are an excellent food if you are looking to get full without a lot of calories. (Apparently a cup is about 20 calories.) They are also spicy delicious root vegetables that make me think of summer, farmer's market and my friend Jean.
  • Tomatoes are a close relative of the plant belladonna (Italian for beautiful woman). Belladonna is poisonous--ingestion of one leaf can be fatal to an adult--and was used in flying powder by witches, according to folklore.
  • A serving of spinach has more iron in it than a 6 ounce serving of beef. Veggies unite! But in order for your body to absorb it, it must be combined with Vitamin C. Coincidence that tomatoes and spinach taste so good together? I think not!
  • Hummus is one of the oldest known consumed foods in the world.

I learned all this from my lunch. Learning from the things we do everyday is important, and I rejoice every time I have the opportunity.

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