Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are priorities supposed to be straight?

Lately this word has come up a lot. It ties in to that elusive balance I try to achieve. What are your priorities?

It's funny in a way that once you have a family and a house and a job, your priorities are pretty much set out for you. Not that having that stuff and balancing it is easy; it just seems easier to decide what's important to you.

No one is going to question you when you say your biggest priority is your child. Or paying your mortgage. But they might look at you a little funny when you tell them your biggest priority of the year is being a grocery store cashier. Or eating every Dairy Queen Blizzard of the Month.

But then again, who knows what kind of crazy antics of mine (or others like me) will turn into thousands of years from now? What makes sense? More importantly: Who cares? Just Be!


Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Good positive post ;)

MeAgain said...

I'm an open book as you know

My priorities are a bit, well....skewed. They work for me though :)

Ms. Becca said...

Thanks Tabitha!

MeAgain: I think that priorities, like time, are all relative.

MeAgain said...

I agree :)